How to use The Skinifyx™ Safety Edge Razor

The Preparation 

Hydration: Opt for warm water to soften the skin, making shaving during a warm shower or bath an optimal choice.
Lathering Up: Massaging the lather(soap) into legs and underarms not only feels great but also effectively primes the skin and hair for shaving by lifting the hairs, moisturizing the skin, and facilitating easy razor glide. If you opt out of using a shaving brush, I highly recommend still using a shaving soap or cream and creating a lather with your hands.

The Shaving Process

The Perfect Angle & Pressure: For a smooth shave, maintaining a razor angle of 30-50 degrees is ideal—less than this increases the risk of nicks, while more than this makes it difficult to catch hair. The beauty of the Skinifyx™ Safety Edge Razor is that this angle is pre-set for you. The rails along the sides of the razor head prevent effective shaving unless the razor is positioned within this 30-50 degree angle range. It's important to note that when using a safety razor, no pressure is needed—simply let the weight of the razor do the work.

Technique: Employ short strokes; a safety razor, also known as a double-edged razor, features two edges for shaving—use one edge, then the other, quickly rinse, and repeat. One significant advantage of a safety razor is the ability to fully open the head and blade for cleaning between uses.

Bikini-Line: Debatably this will be the hardest spot for beginners using the Skinifyx™ Safety Edge Razor. This is okay, but please remember... TAKE. YOUR. TIME. We cannot stress this enough. Make sure you can see everything and start with going with the grain (Shave in the direction your hair grows). The razor is sharp, so if you come across an area you don't feel comfortable shaving yet, skip it.
Caution: Unlike cartridge razors, safety razor heads lack flexibility and are rigid. Take care over bony areas such as ankles and knees, following their contours, and tautening the skin can help prevent nicks (shaving is akin to ironing – a smooth surface is essential). Another notable advantage of the Skinifyx™ Safety Edge Razor is that unlike other safety razor models, the blunt sides of the blade do not protrude from the sides of the razor head, thus minimizing unintentional scratching of the skin.


Aftercare: Finish by rinsing with cool water to soothe and invigorate the skin. A natural Aftershave Balm or Body Lotion will nourish and moisturize the skin post-shave.
Caring for Your Razor: The Skinifyx™ Safety Edge Razor is simple to maintain;  rinse after use, gently pat it dry with a towel (as water can rust the razors if left wet for long periods), disassemble, remove and throw out the razor, as these are cheap to replace and aren't worth the risk of using a dull razor on your skin, if you only covered a small area or very little hair(solely: face, armpits, bikini, forearms or calves) then it may be possible to reuse the razor, please be considerate reusing the razor. Afterward place/hang it to dry. I also wash my vegan brush and hang it on a brush stand to keep it in optimal condition.